Brunei Darussalam
1. Revised Kyoto Convention
2. Mercator programme (WTO TFA)
Mr. Chea Samnang – Deputy Director of Department of International Customs Cooperation
Mr. Chea Samnang works for Cambodia Customs more than 10 years. He currently oversees the negotiation and implementation of the FTAs, multilateral cooperation and others.
He has been accredited as World Customs Organization Customs Technical and Operational Advisor in the area of the Revised Kyoto Convention in August 2019.
He also has been accredited as World Customs Organisation Mercator Programme Advisor (WTO TFA) in August 2019. As accredited experts, he joined WCO missions to Belarus, Philippines, Uzbekistan, and Laos.
Contact: +855 12 840890
Harmonised Systems
Mrs. Ouk Chansopheap – Chief of Free Trade office
Mrs. Ouk Chansopheap has been involved in customs matter for 10 years. In the present, she is responsible for international Customs Cooperation, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations and related meetings. She gets involved in HS classification matter and meeting and she is in charge of verifying Certificate of Origin. She has been accredited as WCO Expert Trainer in area of HS Classification in November 2018.
Contact: +855 12 414 950
Rule of Origin
Mrs. Sok Leaksmy – Chief of Rules of Origin Office
Mrs. Sok Leaksmy has been working for customs for 8 years. In the presents, she is in charge of verifying Certificate of origin, Customs Valuation. She was accredited as a World Customs Organization Expert Trainer in the area of Rules of Origin in December 2018.
Contact: +855 12 505 078
Customs Valuation
Mr Syarif Hidayat – Director of Narcotics Interdiction
Mr Hidayat has more than 15 years of experience in the various field across Indonesian Customs especially in the WTO valuation agreement and Harmonized Systems. He also spent 4 years as Indonesia Customs Attache in Japan. He was accredited as a WCO expert since March 2004.
Capacity Building and Integrity
Mr Oentarto Wibowo – RETIRED
Mr Wibowo is one of the pioneers in implementing Indonesia’s Service Level Agreement (SLA). He has over 15 years of experience in human resource development and integrity. He was also a Chairman of CCBWG for the period from November 2014 until March 2016. He was accredited as a WCO expert since November 2014.
Harmonised Systems
Mr Taufik Ismail – Head of Customs and Excise Facilities, Customs and Excise Regional Office of South Kalimantan
Mr Ismail was a member of AHTN Task Force 2007-2017 and part of team composing Indonesia Customs Tariff Book 2002-2017. He is visiting lecturer of Indonesia Customs Training Center for Harmonized System and Revenue Package subject. He is also an international speaker/trainer for various Customs subject. He was accredited as a WCO expert since April 2010. In national, he is known as Regional Expert on AHTN.
Revenue Package
Mr Taufik Ismail – Head of Customs and Excise Facilities, Customs and Excise Regional Office of South Kalimantan
(background information, as stated above)
Time Release Study (TRS)
Mrs Imelda Syatar Malik – Head of Compliance on Control Function Section in Prime Customs and Excise Office type A Tanjung Priok
Mrs. Imelda was involved and experienced in TRS since 2010. Until now, she is part of Indonesia TRS Team organize and conduct TRS in several border checkpoints. She acted as WCO’s source person and facilitator for National TRS Workshop for Royal Customs Jordan (May 2017), Maldives Customs (October 2017) and Sri Lanka Customs (September 2018). She was accredited as a WCO expert since March 2016.
Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE)
Mr Raden Tarto Sudarsono – Customs Specialist on Prevention and Investigation of Customs and Excise
Mr Sudarsono has 10 years of experience in Customs enforcement and investigation. He was accredited as a WCO expert since February 2018.
Single Window
Mr Tagara Primadista – Head of Revenue and Data Processing
Mr. Tagara worked at DGCE from 2006 in the Directorate of Customs and Excise Information and Technology on multiple roles, ranging from tester, programmer, system analyst, business analyst and right now on IT Operation since 2016. He was accredited as a WCO Technical and Operational Advisor (TOA) in the area of Single Window since March 2022
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
Mr Moh. Firstananto Jerusalem – Head of Revenue and Restitution Section in Prime Customs and Excise Office type A Tanjung Priok
Mr. Firstananto Jerusalem has over 20 years of experience working for DGCE. His experiences are mainly related to management information systems. He was accredited as a WCO Technical and Operational Advisor (TOA) in the area of AEO since July 2023.
Time Release Study (TRS)
Mr Sompasong Amphaengphai – Chief of Wattay Airport-International Customs Checkpoint. He has involved in TRS since 2010. He took the lead in conducting TRS for Lao PDR in 2012, 2016, 2017 and 2019. He joined WCO TRS missions as a resource person and facilitator for National TRS Workshop in South Africa Customs ( May 2016 ), Maldives Customs ( October 2017 ) and Fiji Customs ( December 2018 ). Sompasong also provided technical advice on TRS to the Phillippines Bureau of Customs in 2019. He was certified as WCO customs technical and opertional advisor in the area of Time Release Study in July 2016.
Diagnostic Framework for Capacity Building
Mr Abdul Wahid Sulong – Deputy Director of Customs Corporate Planning Division
Mr Wahid has been involved in international training since 1997 when he served at the Royal Malaysian Customs Academy (AKMAL). He has coordinated 46 international courses under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme participated by more than 1000 participants from more than 80 countries. He was involved in the international mission funded by CCF/Japan to Bangladesh to conduct a diagnostic mission in 2011. He is also one of the fellows in the 48th WCO Fellowship Programme in 2008. In 2008, he was involved in the ASEAN TNA funded by EU for Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam, and finalising the report at the ASEAN Secretariat. He has conducted Workshop on Staff Development and Training for Papua New Guinea at Port Moresby funded by EU in 2014.
Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) & Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII)
Ms Asha Raman Menon – Senior Assistant Director of Customs I Corporate Planning Division
Ms Menon has been in service for more than 28 years. She started working on WCO related matters since 1995 and was posted as a Customs Attaché to the Malaysian Embassy in Belgium (2002) and subsequently moved to the WCO (2009) as a Technical Officer. She is a pioneer in several areas at the WCO such as the SAFE review process; WCO-ICAO cooperation for PLACI, AEO-RA/KC, Joint Conferences and Joint Publication; Global AEO Conferences and NII Pilot. She has provided capacity building for more than 100 Customs administrations.
WTO Valuation – The use of the Transfer Pricing techniques in the Indirect Tax Policy – Asia Pacific Tax Forum (APTF) for the year 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Mr Johari Alifiah – Director of Customs, State Director of RMCD Kedah
Mr Alifiah has been continuously involved as a panellist for 5 years in the Asia Pacific Tax Forum (APTF) contributing his ideas regarding Transfer Pricing techniques in the Indirect Tax Policy. This forum was organized by the International Tax Investment Centre (ITIC) based in New York, USA. He is also involved as a Valuation Expert in the WCO Workshop organized by Korean Tax Service (2014).
Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)
Mr Anuar Ibrahim – Head of Program at Department of Leadership Studies, AKMAL Melaka.
Mr Ibrahim has a total of 22 years’ service with Royal Malaysian Customs (15 years’ service in the enforcement division and 7 years’ service in various division) and obtained WCO Accredited Expert in IWT/CITES on 2 September 2019. He was a member and person in charged at Operational Coordination Unit (OCU), WCO Brussel during PRAESIDIO Operation 18th February until 3rd March 2019, and facilitator for WCO PRAESIDIO Operation Closeout Meeting on 21-22 March 2019. He is the trainer MQA accredited by the Malaysian Qualification Agency since 2017.
HS Classification
- Ms. Hsu Mon Naing
The Philippines
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
1. Ms Joan LUA Leng Khim
Joan is one of the pioneers in implementing Singapore’s domestic AEO programme, the Secure Trade Partnership (STP). Joan played a key role in the joint validation phase of the various MRA negotiations, as the subject matter expert on the STP. She was accredited as a WCO expert since May 2013.
2. Ms LIM Sok Peng
Sok Peng is one of the pioneers in implementing Singapore’s domestic AEO programme, the Secure Trade Partnership (STP). Sok Peng was part of the negotiating team in Singapore’s various Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) and took charge of operationalising the MRAs, including IT system enhancements to recognise foreign AEO codes and grant lower risk scoring to foreign AEOs. She was accredited as a WCO expert since May 2013.
3. Mr. Jeremy ANG Yi Jun
Jeremy promotes the awareness of Singapore’s AEO programme, the Secure Trade Partnership (STP) and processes the STP applications of companies, as one of Customs Account Managers. He also was involved in the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) negotiations and joint validations with partner Customs Administrations. He was accredited as a WCO expert since Jul 2015.
Single Window
1. Mr. Desmond CHIA Chee Pheng
Desmond has over 15 years of experience in Customs documentation and facilitation. He was also a member of the project team that oversaw 2 version updates of Singapore’s national single window system, TradeNet in 2007 and 2012. Desmond was a Senior Trainer of the Singapore Customs Academy from 2012 to 2017. He was accredited as a WCO expert since August 2014.
2. Mr Donald TAN Chor Suan
Donald has more than 10 years of experience in various portfolios across Singapore Customs. He also spent 3 years as a Technical Attache in the World Customs Organisation’s Procedure & Facilitation Sub Directorate, supporting the Single Window and Data Model topic. He was accredited as a WCO expert since September 2016.
HS Classification
Ms Chantamat Toempornvitit – International Customs Tariff Section
Ms Toempornvitit has been accredited by WCO in the area of HS Classification. Her professional experience includes
• Regional Expert to the Regional “Train-the-Trainers” Workshops on the Implementation of ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (2016)
• Representative to the Customs Procedures & Trade Facilitation Working Group (CPTFWG) meetings (2017 – present)
• Lecturer to the national workshop of HS2017 Implementation (2017 – present)
Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE)
Mr Kansakol Indrasawat – Customs Technical Officer, Practitioner Level, Investigation and Suppression Bureau
His professional experience includes the WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Expert Trainer Certification Event (Train the Trainer), and lecturer to the national workshop of STCE
Rule of Origin (ROOs)
Ms Baralee Ratnapinda – Director of Rules of Origin Section, Customs Tariff Division at the Customs Department
Ms Ratnapinda has experiences in both bilateral and regional FTAs negotiations and possesses extensive knowledge in ROO esp. in implementation issues. She was pre-accredited as a WCO expert since January 2018. On March 2020, she had the in-field mission and was accredited by WCO.
Risk Management (RM)
Mr. Pipat Sirijumrasskul – Director of Bonded Warehouse Audit Section, Tax Incentives Division
He had been working in the field of risk management and intelligence for more than 5 years. He is one of the pioneer groups to design and establish the Thai Customs Intelligence Center (CIC).
His team also played significant roles as the National Contact Point for major operations including WCO Operations such as DEMETER V and VI, TENTACLE, etc. He was also selected to be part of the GIIS Working Group who is currently working on revision of the WCO Risk Management Compendium.
Customs Enforcement Network Application (CEN)
Mr. Witthawat Potaram – Director of Intelligence Section, Customs Intelligence Center
He has educational background in computer engineering. He has worked at the Thai Customs Department for 15 years with various kinds of experiences e.g. customs control, enforcement, postal customs clearance, rules of origin, data analysis, and risk management. In July 2024, he became a WCO Accredited Expert for Customs Enforcement Network Application (CEN).
Diagnostic Framework for Capacity Building
Mr Nguyen Nhat KHA – Deputy Director of Supervision and Control Department
Mr Kha has been working in customs for 22 years in several areas, including:
– 8 years of experience in Customs reform and modernisation. He was Deputy Director of Customs reform and modernisation board from 9/2006 to 9/2007.
– 8 years of experience in Customs supervising and controlling. He was Deputy Director of Supervision and Control department from 7/2011 to 12/2018.
Mr Nguyen Nhat Kha has been accredited as WCO expert in diagnosing capacity building framework since 2005.